Political Communication and Social Change of Acehnese Society in Internet Era

Implementation of the Ethics and Independence in the Production Process of Program Television ” Journalism Investigation’

Meunasah, Power and Self-Critics towards Government and Aceh Political Elite on Aceh Women Political Struggle


New Media : Prospektif, Inovasi dan Difusi Di Era Digital Media ?

The Political Communication of Acehness Society-Gampong

Semiotika Para Koruptor

The Political Communication of the Acehnese Society A case study of Local wisdom of the Gampong governance-Aceh

Cultural Imperialism and Capitalism Media in Islamic Values Deconstruction on Ramadan Show in Televisions By

Komodifikasi Simbol-Simbol Islam dalam Kampanye Politik di Indonesia Oleh : The commodification of Islamic symbols in the political campaign in Indonesia


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